Comprehensive Emergency Preparedness Plans for Major Dams in Swaziland

General information

Client: UNDP and Department of Water Affairs of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Energy, Swaziland
Contractor: Dr. Hubert Lohr as lead consultant, SYDRO as sub-consultant
Location: Mbabane; Swaziland
Project duration: 06/2014 - 12/2012
Key characteristics: Climate change risks, dam infrastructure management, water resources management, emergency plans, Swaziland

Project description

The project aimed at formulating and strengthening comprehensive emergency preparedness plans for major dams in Swaziland (Mnjoli, Maguga, Lubovane, Luphohlo and Hawane). The plans addressed the inclusion of climate change risks in the management of the major dam infrastructure to ensure sustainable provision, use and management of water resources for Swaziland. The intervention focused on creating awareness to stakeholders and their understanding of responsibilities and roles. Two emergency plans had been developed including hydrological modelling, design floods, check floods and dam break analysis, the identification of warning levels, notification and dissemination procedures and flood mapping.


  • Review existing emergency preparedness plans for major dams in Swaziland
  • Conduction of stakeholder consultations
  • Conduction of a validation workshop
  • Finalisation of comprehensive emergency preparedness plans
  • Oversight and quality assurance of the entire assignment and the final report
  • Preparation of a standard for emergency preparedness plan for dams and its operationalization
  • Introduction and application of drought indices for drought detection and adaptation for reservoir operation
  • Flood modelling and dam break analysis


  • Liasing
  • Workshops and consultations
  • water management
  • disaster risk management
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