Quarks, the science show of the German WDR television channel, is showing two episodes dealing with drought and dams. The German dams for which SYDRO has been developing the operating rules for the past 20 years are also showcased. Dr. Hubert Lohr was active as an advisor for the WDR during the preparations for these episodes. In the show, the issues of dam operation during times of an increasingly dynamic climate with long-lasting dry periods and intense rainfall events are explained in a very understandable way. The Wiehltalsperre dam of the Aggerverband was chosen for on location filming.
The first episode was released on 24th of September and can be viewed here (in German).
The second episode, released on October 1st, is available here (in German).
In the TASK project, SYDRO is developing climate change adaptation strategies for dams and reservoirs and methods for forecasting dry periods, which are mentioned in the show.