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Strengthening Coordination and Building Resilience in Flood-Affected Communities in Kazakhstan – UNDP Crisis Bureau Kazakhstan

SYDRO consult GmbH has been awarded a contract under UNDP Kazakhstan to conduct post-flood analysis of 2024 flood in Kazakhstan. This flood management project is part of Kazakhstan’s water management strategy that was developed by the Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation of the Government of Kazakhstan and is supported by the United Nations Development […]

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WaRisCo – Kick-off and WASA conference

To solve complex hydrological problems and interpret the underlying message of different hydrological signatures requires basic understanding of hydrological processes and their complex interactions. These hydrological interactions play a critical role in defining the future water availability under changing climate. The climate change has drastically altered the course of Hydrological regimes that ultimately translate into […]

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25 Years of SYDRO Consult

25 years ago, in September 1999, our journey began as a small engineering office in the field of hydrology. Today, we proudly look back on a quarter of a century in which we have contributed significantly to developing sustainable solutions for complex hydrological challenges with passion and expertise. What once began as a vision has […]

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Bachelor Thesis on Impact of Climate Change on Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) for a Case Study in the Nile Basin

Mr. Jonathan Hoffmann has successfully finished writing his bachelor thesis on “Impact of Climate Change on Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) for a catchment located in the Nile Basin”. Sydro Consult congratulates Mr. Hoffmann on this success. PMF values play a crucial role in designing large hydraulic structures such as dams to avoid dam failure under […]

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7th Nile Basin Development Forum (NBDF)

The 7th Nile Basin Development Forum will be held from September 18 to October 18, 2023 in Munyonyo, Uganda. This year’s theme is “Deepening Nile Cooperation: Accelerating the Achievement of SDGs in a Changing Climate”. The Nile Basin Development Forum (NBDF) is a high- level regional event convened every three years by the Nile Basin […]

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Bias-corrected CORDEX Climate Change Database for the Nile Basin

SYDRO, on behalf of the Nile Basin Initiative (NBI) and GIZ, has completed the Climate Service Infrastructure Project (CSI), which provides gridded dataset products (historical and bias-corrected climate change projections) for the whole Nile Basin. Sydro has derived Probable Maximum Precipitation and Intensity-Duration-Frequency curves and deployed them together with the bias-corrected time series to the […]

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3 Minute Thesis, the Fifth Cairo Water Week

Cairo Water Week is an international conference organized by the Egyptian ministry of water resources and irrigation every year in collaboration with national, regional, and international partners. The event is important for the water actors and stockholders around the globe to present and discuss key issues, polices, strategies. During the fifth Cairo Water Week conference […]

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NBI conducts training on Climate Services for Infrastructure Investments

The Nile Basin Initiative (NBI) recently conducted a 4-day training on Climate Services for Infrastructure Investments (CSI) at the Lake Victoria Hotel in Entebbe, Uganda. SYDRO’s Nada Abdelwahab attended the workshop and lead the training sessions regarding infrastructure service reliability assessment. The Nile Basin Countries’ experts were introduced to different climate products provided by the […]


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