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NBI Strategic Water Resources Workshop

The NBI Strategic Water Resources Workshop was held from January 24th to 30th 2022 in Munyonyo, Uganda. This was followed by ENTRO workshops with modellers from the Nile Basin countries around the topics of Coordinated Operation of Cascade Dams and Lake Victoria Scenario Development, lasting until February 1st. We thank the Nile-SEC for organising the […]

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TASK2 started

Following the successful completion of the predecessor project TASK, the successor project TASK2 was launched in 2021. The joint partners are the city of Erfurt and TFW (Thüringer Fernwasserversorgung). The project is funded by the BMU (German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety). The aim is to develop a tool for […]

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Transboundary River Basins

Transboundary Water Management

About 60% of global freshwater flows cross national boundaries and almost 50% of the globe’s land surface are transboundary river basins. Growing population and water demand in combination with climate change pose a risk of resource depletion leading to competition and conflicts between riparian countries. Transboundary water management is therefore one of the mounting issues […]


Transboundary Water Cooperation in the Lower Mekong Basin

Dr. Hubert Lohr joins the GIZ project Transboundary Water Cooperation in the Lower Mekong Basin as key hydrology expert. ICEM (International Centre for Environmental Management) will carry out this project, which, after Georgia/Azerbaijan, Eastern Nile and Equatorial Nile, is another building block in transboundary water management in which experts from SYDRO are involved in.

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TASK – Early Detection of Droughts

After three years of research, the project TASK, funded by the German Federal Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, is now ready for operational use. Reservoir operators and all those who are in need of seasonal forecasts for foresighted water management can now apply TASK in order to detect drought situations as early […]


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